December 23, 2006

Experimentation With Cherries and a Cup

I watched a program a couple of weeks ago on The Food Channel, which showed a feature on Food Photography. As a foodie, I got kinda excited about that. I searched the internet for food photography examples, and thought that I would like to try my hand at them. Although I had planned on shooting outdoors yesterday, I neglected to check the weather. It rained like cra-zzzy! So, inspired (by the television program), I got out some fruit and other props, and started shooting. The lighting wasn't the best, and my PhotoShop skills are still kindergarten. After taking about 250 pictures, these three are really the only ones that I'm happy with. There are a couple more pics that I like the composition of, but take a little more advanced skills at PhotoShop to improve. I think I've found my photographic niche. This is an area I definitely will experiment with and concentrate more of my efforts on. I will, however, be shooting nature, etc., as I need to improve my skills on those areas as well.

1 comment:

trillian9 said...

Hi Mer! I enjoy seeing your work! These are neat pics.