August 15, 2007

Photographic Scavenger Hunt

Our assignment, at Waterworks Park, this week, was to capture a set list of pictures - a Photographic Scavenger Hunt, if you will. The criteria was simple - find the following: An "S" shape; A reflection; An interesting piece of bark; A hole in something (can you guess what mine is? (And yes, I took it at the park last night!); Words; Something old-the car is kinda cliche, eh?; Something blue; Something sad; Something new - what better than a handsome couple who had just exchanged their wedding vows?; and Something alone - again, I took this one at the park, but in a most unusual place. As you can see, yes I did spend SOME of my time shooting, but also spent SOME of it chatting, gabbing, and talking, so didn't get enough time to shoot the last four scenes before it got too dark (and the lineup at Tim Horton's got tooooooo long - have to beat the crowd). Must FOCUS to task on hand (pun not intended). Maybe get out another night to shoot the other four.


trillian9 said...

Fun shots Mer! I love your perspective. Steph

Darlene said...

Mer, I have finally had the opportunity to view your blog and I am very impressed with your composition and content. I love looking at pics, especially those of people I know. You are using your creative talents to share with others and I think that is great. You are doing a wonderful job,keep up the good work and have fun, Luv, Darlene